Dear Readers,
Welcome to the Lois & Clark The New Adventure of Superman Writer's Showcase. At the bottom of this web site you will find links to past featured writers. Just click on the any writer's name you might have missed or want to read again and you will be taken to their interview.
This week I'm pround to annouce the revival of the Showcase interviews. With a terrific team to help head this up, we hope to bring you interviews from the fresh new group of writers out there. We also hope to revisit some of the previously interviewed authors.
To kick of the new group of writers, this week's Featured Writer is a co-founder of both the Nfic Directory and of Zoom's Bulletin Board Index. She is also a 2000 Nkerth winner ...
Welcome to the Lois & Clark The New Adventure of Superman Writer's Showcase. At the bottom of this web site you will findlinks to past featured writers. Just click on the any writer's name you might have missed or want to read again and you will be taken to their interview.
Now, in keeping with Annie's famous words, without further ado I am proud and honored to present this week's Writer in the Writer's Showcase ...
Annette, Labrat, Kaethel, Avia
Personal Information
Author name
E-mail addresses
List, AOL, or web affiliations
Lois and Clark list, Lois and Clark fanfic index, Nfic Directory
Lois and Clark or Superman Status
How long have you been watching L&C?
Since the beginning.
How long have you been a fan of Superman?
I watched some of the George Reeve eps as a kid, and I've seen all the movies.
How long have you been writing?
For fun since August '97
How long have you been writing L&C fanfic?
August '97
What types of Fanfic have you written?
My first attempt was what became a 4 part series, in both pg and nfic versions. I've also posted a vignette,
and XF crossover, and one that would fall in about 5th or 6th season. I've also co-written one, and was part
of a round robin email team on another.
Most recent story posted? Where?
Epilogue on Zoom nfic board, the nfic list and Anne's Nfic Archive. A pg version should be coming out on the archive soon.
Favorite story you have written? Why?
What If I Never Left Krypton. Besides being my first published fic, I really liked the premise for this one.
Current project/projects?
An ep tie-in with Madame Ex and Soulmates, and eventually an alt world.
Personal picks of other Fanfics you have read?
Too difficult to choose. There are so many wonderful stories out there, and they just keep getting better.
General Interview Questions
What attracted you to writing Fanfic and what about it do you enjoy?
Reading other great fic and wanting to give it a try. I really enjoy the creative outlet it gives.
What about the L&C and the characters do you like the most?
Their growth over the course of the series. There are so many different time periods during those
four years that a fic could be based one.
How do you interpret them in your work?
I try to stay as true to the show as I can, even in Elseworld stories.
How did you begin writing in general?
How do you feel about being nominated for a Kerth Award?
It was incredible to be chosen, with so many good stories to choose from.
What story of yours was nominated for a Kerth Award and could you tell about it?
What If I Never Left Krypton. It's based on if Krypton had never been distroyed how Clark would find Lois.
What are you working on now and where do you see it going?
Two ep tie-ins that I hope to have done early 2001.
What is your opinion about the following types of L&C fanfic's?
Round Robin?
I enjoy them all, and there have been some incredible stories written in each of these areas.
Has *everything* been done in your opinion, and if not, what is left?
Definitely not. There are no new stories, just new angles.
What do you think makes the best story?
It depends on the purpose of the story.
Would you like to add a link or URL to your favorite fanfic for the readers
to sample your writing?
The archive for the pg, or the Nfic Directory.
Where is the best place for a reader to locate your work?
Either of the above.
Open Forum For Author Comments
I'm continually amazed at the quality and quantity of fic that is being written, even so long
after the show has been cancelled. I hope it continues to be this way. Thanks to everyone
involved in keeping FoLCdom going, whether it be through writing, maintaining websites,
making music vides, and more.